Friday, December 16, 2011

Ecology (An Overview Of The Role of Human Ecology)

I.       Preliminary
God created His creation is so noble and good and He entrusts his entire work to humans, but whether people actually running the mandate God has given to him?. We sometimes feel that the control means we already have, but we forget that in fact we are entrusted by God to keep His creation. Inside the dish is made clear on a review of the role of human impacts on ecology with the goal that we can know the impact of any that we do about ecology as a creation of God.

The term ecology was first raised by Ernst Haeckel in 1866, refers to the overall ecology of the organism or the pattern of relationships between organisms and environmental patterns.[1] This understanding shared by the ancient philosophy and religion who always saw the harmonious relationship between man and nature. Man who live in the traditional standard of getting the necessary elements for the life of the natural environment through livestock and grow crops in a simple manner.

III. Terminology
1.      Old Testament
Ecology comes from the word meaning bayit residence (temporary) or a tent. The word is similar to bayit Ohel (tent) which means a place to live. In the world of the ancient Semitic bayit is a temporary shelter in the form of caves, so bayit can also be called a cave. While the term commonly used to cave in Hebrew is me'arah and for to declare the residence or building is birah which means palace or house. Another term that has almost the same ie ari He Kaal means palace or temple. Chatser means residence, village or place of residence. Moshab means the residence or domicile. Ma'on is a refuge and a place to live. Mikhades means sanctuary.[2]

2. New Testament
Ecology comes from two words namely oikos, which means a house, and logos, which means the sayings or science.[3] In the New Testament book of logos, the word can also mean home or place of domicile (Matt. 9: 6-7; Mark 2. 1, 11; 3; 20). This word also means the home residence or seat (Matt. 22: 38), a sacred house, the household (Luke 10: 5), a holy family (I Pet. 2: 3), lineage (Luke 1: 27), and that the translation from the Hebrew meaning people or nation (Matt. 10: 6; 15: 25).[4]

3. Dictionary
a.      Webster's New World Dictionary
Ecology (ecology) quoted from the Greek ekologie (N) or oikos, the home or residence. While the definition of ecology is:
- The branch of biology deals with the relations That the between living organisms and Their environment (part of the science of living things that talk about the relationship living organisms with their environment).
- The compleks of relations the between a specific organism and its environment (the overall relationship between a particular organism with its environment.)

b. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
The natural relationship the between plant, animal, plants and people, and the places in the which They Live[5] (natural relationships between plants, animals and humans and the places where they are). Therefore, it can be concluded that ecology has a theology that aims to express the content of Christian faith and logis as clear as possible,[6] in other words people involved to investigate further deliberate, critical, analytical, logical, argumentative about God in order to be understood more easily by all of mankind.[7]

IV. Opinions of Experts
1. Eka Darmaputra
The root problem in history is a growth industry that became a cornerstone of Western economic growth has been boosted by the availability of cheap fuel, abundant natural resources, and environment as if it indefinitely absorb all the waste.[8]

2. Philosophers of atomism Prasokratis Leukippos (live approximately a century 6 / 5 BC), Democritus (493-404 BC) and Epikuros (341-270 BC)
World and human beings consist of atoms that is not distributable (atomos). This would explain the unity of the "intimate" between nature and man, which in the language Empedocles, pluralism prasokratik philosopher (521-444 BC) is the "love", which "love" is what unites and combines all the elements. Empedocles further explains that the relation between nature and humans will be destroyed because of "hate". Therefore, the "hate" raises separation (disharmony) between man and nature.[9]

3. William Chang
Ecology means the study of the organisms in the universe. Also understood as the science of ecology in the area of ​​its being a whole organism; the science of structure and function of natural or groups of organisms found in nature and the interactions between them.[10]

4. Tyler Miller
Ecology is the human relationship with nature develops according to the economic and cultural patterns of society at a particular time or in other words have a relationship that is continuity.[11]

V. Problems
1. Greenhouse Effect
The sun is the main source of energy that illuminates the earth. Most of the energy shining on earth is short-wave radiation, including visible light when the earth's surface will change from light into heat and will warm the earth. The earth's surface will reflect back some of this heat wave as a penjang infrared radiation into space although most remain trapped in the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, heat is stored in the earth's surface. The function of these gases such as glass in a greenhouse, so that these gases are known as greenhouse gases. The more heat trapped underneath, means increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.[12]
The greenhouse effect is not detrimental if not excessive. By nature, the greenhouse effect is very important because the earth becomes warm enough so that support human life. Without the greenhouse effect, human life on earth will be disturbed because they Earth's average temperature will range from -20 0C. The increase in the greenhouse effect caused by the excessive burning of fuel oil (BBM), and other organic fuels to support human activity.[13] If greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise there will be a very drastic climate change throughout Earth's history that may be currently known as global warming (global warming).

2. Global Warming (Global Warming)
Increased global warming due to human activity is growing. Since the industrial revolution the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is increasing. It is at derived by comparing the combustion of fossil fuels and burning of a large number of forests. Global warming caused by the higher CO2 concentrations resulting rise in world temperatures between 1.5 to 4.5 0C. Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere requires 60% reduction in CO2 emissions. if not, the mountains of ice contained in the polar north and south poles will melt. If this happens the plains of the earth will sink lower.[14]
But global warming can still be prevented or at least allowed to follow its normal cycle like now. You do this by reducing fossil fuel use and reduce the use of other greenhouse gases. Otherwise people will actually destroy their own lives. Damage to the weather system on earth can also cause these lands will be more dry and spread of deadly diseases. It is estimated that if global temperatures increase by 1.5 to 2.5 0C, at least 30% of plant and animal species will become extinct.[15]

3. Population Density
Population density is affecting the current ecological crisis. Destruction of the environment are intimately associated with human needs are increasing. It is estimated that natural resources are not sufficient to meet the necessities of life more than 6 billion inhabitants of the earth. In some major cities in the world are now worried about the availability of drinking water and energy supplies.[16] Not only about the availability of energy or drinking water became a serious concern today in urban areas. But also the limitations of food and the location of settlements, so at this time in big cities like Jakarta, many people who build houses on the outskirts of times, under bridges and suburban railway Rell.
Population growth has also led people to try to survive with all efforts. Anyone for the necessities of life should use the inventory of existing natural resources. Many who used to be a tropical jungle and then was replaced into the urban environment, housing, industrial sites and recreation areas. Handful of people might accept this change because it provides advantages for him, but many are also due to diversion of land use to feel aggrieved.[17]
Encroachment of forests to open up new land in agriculture or maybe just for firewood, have caused many landslides and floods happening today. Besides, also the culture of consumerism has permeated all of the human soul today. Humans will never settle for what he already possesses. With so many owners of capital or current officials who perform deforestation on a large scale for personal gain alone with his main concern is living today and future needs require.

4. Development
Development that can be said is false the first cause of ecological crisis. This happens because the construction always requires enormous energy, such as industrial development and infrastructure development. Each country will feel proud when their country is said to industrialized countries, decorated city buildings skyscrapers and the military quite a lot. Without thinking about natural resources will be exhausted by such development. Industry in dire need of raw materials and fuel are many, as well as large buildings in dire need of electrical energy, and the military also urgently need a substantial allocation of funds. This has led to significantly reduced the existing natural resources, so that there is a need for a concrete manner to cope with environmental sustainability. [18]

5. Industry
Major industries will generate a lot of industrial waste that causes soil to be poisoning, air pollution and even noise pollution. Similarly, the increase of population will lead to increased household waste, organic waste and inorganic waste. Development can be planned to take advantage of the best possible environment. Development must be carried out by first thinking about things relating to the management of the environment. Environmental management planning methods is called the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).[19] Thus the government should be firm to implement waste prevention solutions, be it industrial waste and household waste. Otherwise the government's development policy is no longer for the prosperity of society but will result in the destruction of community life.

6. Development and Exploitation of Natural Resources
According to many ecologists, productivity is the origin of energy that can produce more and cheaper making it possible to produce a variety of modern societies choose to consume goods and variety of goods that are not finite type. [20]
The myth of economic growth that will prosper man actually has two major problems namely:
a.       Falsity of the myth. It happens is the rich get richer and the poor poorer. This is because the growth development paradigm in essence has created a glaring injustice.
b.      Development turned out to have a great impact on the environment.

VI. Solution
1.      Pro-Life Church
At this time, the church has a calling to build the public not to take advantage of the economic nature but also to see that nature is a creation of God and man must protect and melesarikannya. The church should instill ecological awareness is a direct result of faith in creation, and faith in creation is a direct result of faith in God as creator. Man must honor the Creator by preserving His creation, and thus the integrity of creation and preservation of a blessing to all who live.
Vision religions should emphasize the significance and value of the cosmos for humans.[21]
Man is not master or ruler of the world, but the man is a guardian of the cosmos. World or the cosmos is a creation and a gift (grace) from God to mankind. Humans must maintain the integrity or harmony of relations between various elements in the world. Environment is a life of a very important buffer. Therefore we have to maintain its existence in a dynamic balance through a variety of business protection and maintenance of business balance of nature that constantly.[22]

2. Economy and Ecology
Economic and ecological concepts at this time much more contested than united. In fact, economic development in benuk business as usual is a reciprocal relationship between living relationship with humans, where humans view the environment as a part thereof, which can produce a variety of needs. Hence, humans see the surrounding environment as an opportunity to continue to survive unuk descent.[23]
Humans understand the environment as a source of raw materials for Natural resources[24]. NATURAL RESOURCES material in the form of water, soil, air and so forth are known as natural capital, but if capital becomes the raw material, raw materials, or materials so, then known as artificial capital. The problems that arise is for the economic development of natural capital in grogroti but there is no way to create artificial capital untu subsequent need.
In the development activities, humans sometimes think that the environment will fix itself when "something happened to him", and not every building produce the desired Natural resources because the Natural resources of waste byproducts generated sepertiu to be discharged into water, soil, air. In the economic activities, waste not counted because it is not necessary, useless and unproductive, and this rule has been mengeksternalisasikan waste and this is called the problem of pollution.
Humans need to understand that the environment is not used for economic interests but also must do for the environment is declining. Thus, people must understand the principles of ecology, namely:
1.      Regulatory functions ecologically. Transform and regulate the environment has the function of the state.
2.      Function to maintain.
3.      Purifying function ecologically or function to purify the environment or circumstances.
4.      Information function.

VII. Theological Reflection
Ecology has a meaning as a science of relationships (relationships) between living things and their environment, or more clearly about the interrelationships of organisms Atara (a group of organisms) with the surrounding environment. The environment can be defined as: nature with all its wealth and the organisms present in it (including humans) that have a reciprocal relationship and need each other.[25]
In general in the history of the Propagation of the Gospel in Indonesia, the church has a hostile attitude to the forms of idolatry of nature (forests, soil, water, air) which is considered infidel and must be destroyed so that the church unsacral nature and impact on the environment.[26]
In other words, to introduce the power of Christ which transcends the power in this world, then in demostrasikan by cutting down a large tree which is believed to have a traditional community residents and is considered haunted.[27]
In the past culture of tribes including the religious culture as a brother to understand human nature. But that awareness has been lost, along with the development of modernization, technology and trust. Forest and is considered as a place of evil spirits or wild animals is harmful to humans, therefore humans then cut down the forest around it does not look so shabby, and eventually the forest to be reduced without a clear purpose and reason for the man himself.[28]
Humans and other living beings have felt the impact of environmental degradation. The themes of environmental preservation becomes an actual human when linking with the punishment of God, namely that the coming "day of the Lord". In his life, man also admits that his life had been without a terror to live in sin because of human disobedience. Sin is sin which is meant to exploit the natural human consumption and for private purposes, without any sense of trepidation, fear and worry about the impact of the ecological crisis (anxiety will ruin the future of nature).
This does not refer to who is most powerful, and who is most weak, however, points to a desire to protect each other that comes naturally. Harmony, perfection as to which God created the universe with the "good" will happen typing each ecosystem to be responsible first noticed the man himself. That must be kept and maintained despite the fact that in this era of globalization of environmental conditions have become worse.
The church must play a role in raising awareness of ecological communities with policies that have looked far into the future. Christian anthropocentric orientation during this has resulted in an approach to nature that is instrumental, rather than respect and preserve nature.[29]
Therefore the Church must play a constructive role in efforts to formulate and re-assess the theology to be more sensitive to environmental issues. Thus it would appear in human consciousness that there lingkunganya between himself and a very close relationship that is not integral. So that over time will concern the environmental crisis is no longer the affairs of each state or the Church, but has become a concern for the world community together.[30]

VIII. Conclusion
  1. a.      Ecology is an order of life is interconnected between humans and other creations with patterns that maintain and protect the ecosystem is not damaged.
  1. b.      Ecological problems is the greenhouse effect, global warming, population density, construction, industrial, construction and exploitation of natural resources.
  1. c.       The role of the church is the Church must instill ecological awareness is a direct result of faith in creation, and the belief in creation is a direct result of faith in God as creator.
  1. d.      The role of government is the government should pay attention to the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) before holding or supporting the development of an industry that will be or who is holding the Natural resources process.

[1] Ernst Haeckel adalah murid Darwin. Lih. David Kinsley, Ecology and Religion: Ecological Spirituality in Cross-Cultural Perspective,Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995, hlm. xv.
[2]  Bnd. Botterweck, G Johannes, The Dictionary of The Old Testament Vol. II (USA: Publishing Company, 1983).
[3] Bnd. Gerhard, Kittel, Theological Dictionary of The New Testament (USA: Publishing Company, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1977).
[4] Bnd. William D. Mounce, The Analytical to the Greek New Testament, ( Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan, 1992)
[5] Bnd. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of current English, Oxford University Press, 1995
[6] Eka darmaputra, dalam R. E. Suryaatmadja, Banawiratma (Ed.), Iman, Ekonomi Dan Ekologi, Kanisius, Yogyakarta, 1996, hlm. 120-133
[7] Bnd. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of current English, Oxford University Press, 1995
[8] Eka darmaputra, dalam R. E. Suryaatmadja, Banawiratma (Ed.), Iman, Ekonomi Dan Ekologi, Kanisius, Yogyakarta, 1996, hlm. 120-133
[9] Lht. Yohanes Efraim More Meto,, Krisis Ekologi, dikunjungi pada 19-03-2011.
[10] Lih, William Chang, Moral Lingkungan Hidup, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius), 2001. hlm. 13-14
[11] Bnd. Tyler Miller, Living in the Environment, California, Wardworth Publication, 1987. Hlm. 62-65
[12] Gatot Susanta & Hari Sutjahjo (Peny), Akankah Indonesia Tenggelam Akibat Pemanasan Global, (Jakarta: Penebar Plus), 2007. hlm. 32
[13] Ibid, hlm. 32
[14] Binsar Nainggolan, Pengantar Etika Terapan: Petunjuk Hidup Sehari-hari bagi Warga Gereja, (Pematangsiantar: L-SAPA STT HKBP), 2007. hlm. 131
[15] Binsar Nainggolan, Op,Cit, hlm. 132
[16] Ibid, hlm. 133
[17] Bnd. Philip Kristanto, Ekologi Industri, (Yogyakarta: Andi), 2004. hlm. 33
[18] Bnd, Ibid, hlm. 55
[19] Bnd. Otto Soemarwoto, Ekologi, Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan, (Jakarta: Jembatan), 2004. hlm. 96
[20] Bnd. Ward & Dubos, Hanya Satu Bumi, terj. Supomo, Jakarta: Gramedia, 1976, hlm. 14
[21] Ibid
[22] Bnd. Philipus Tule dalam Philipus Tule dan Wilhelmus Djulei (ed), Op, Cit. hlm. 83
[23] Lht. R. E. Suryaatmadja, Banawiratma (Ed.), Iman, Ekonomi Dan Ekologi, Kanisius, Yogyakarta, 1996, hlm. 38-42.
[24] Resource is same with NATURAL RESOURCES.
[25] Bnd. Andar Lumban Tobing, Ketika Aku Dalam Penjara, Grafina, Jakarta, 1986, hlm 45
[26] Bnd. Junus E.E. Inabuy, dalam Philipus Tule dan Wilhelmus Djulei (ed), hlm. 55
[27] Bnd. Victor Tinambunan, Op.Cit, hlm. 56
[28] Lht. Emanuel Gerit Singgih, Gereja Yang Sadar Konteks Dalam Rangka Memberdayakan Masyarakat, dalam Ceramah Sub Tema Sinode Godang HKBP Ke-57, Lih. Colan Pakpahan dkk (Peny), Notulen Sinode Godang HKBP Ke-57 30 September-4 Oktober 2002 di Seminarium Sipoholon. hlm. 66
[29] Lht. Audrey R. Chapman, dkk (ed), Bumi Yang Terdesak, (Bandung: Mizan Pustaka), 2000. hlm. 153
[30] Lht. Freddy Buntaran, Saudari Bumi, Saudara Manusia, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius), 1996. hlm. 23

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