Saturday, December 17, 2011


The nature of the family is the unity of the whole family of father, mother, and child in a true partnership. Each family member feel that they are integral members (full and integral) of each other. The family is the establishment of a private person, but every person who has been in form in the family can also be influenced by the environment. For Christians, in particular all the family must purify and empowered by Jesus Christ so that the family had to be obedient and grow so that every act they do is determined by the confidence and experience kekeritenan in the Lord. A family can not be separated from the life of a broad alliance of church and society. Christian families should be salt and light in the midst of society through the attitudes and behavior of family members in the community before God. Inside is a teacher-parent families for their children.[1]
According to J. Verkuyl, there are three tasks and responsibilities of parents in the family, namely:
1.    Care of physical needs of children.
The task of parents is the most basic physical care needs of children, through attention to physical needs of children such as feeding, clothing, shelter and so forth.
2.    Creating a comfortable atmosphere for children
Every parent is always trying to create an atmosphere of intimacy, affection, hospitality and security for families, especially children.[2]
3.    Providers of education for children
Parents educate children to the right path through the physical and spiritual education. Parents teach and educate children under the leadership and supervision in accordance with the Word of God so that His children to become followers of Christ (cf. Romans 8:29). According Andar Ismail, parents have a duty and responsibility that is double as well as teachers and priests in the family. In this case, the task of parents as educators is through work, speech (oral), action (action), and be an example (spirituality). [3]
The responsibility of a father not only as head of household, he also bertanggungjwab earn a living for all family members, counsel, guide and protect his family, and trying to create an atmosphere of peace and living together in the family. While a mother's job is as a companion husband in his duties as head of the family, mothers also care for and raise children, advise and entertain every member of the family. Also a mother is also responsible for managing the family finances and participate in maintaining peace in the family.[4]
Conclusion / messages

Head of the family has a very important role to obtain salvation from God by showing faithfulness to God's family, through direct family and become a role model in his family worship to God. Worship done because the family had a personal experience with God in his life. Therefore, the worship of a family should also be applied so it does not become a stumbling block for others.

[1] M.L. Thomson,Keluarga Sebagai Pusat Pembentukan, Jakarta: BPK-GM, 2000, hlm. 28.
[2] J. Verkuyl, Etika Kristen Seksuil, Jakarta: BPK-GM, 1993, hlm. 174-189.
[3] Andar Ismail, Selamat Ribut Rukun, Jakarta: BPK-GM, 1997, hlm. 90-92.
[4] J. Verkuyl, Op.Cit, hlm. 169-173.

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